Fish Stocking Plans


We’ve developed numerous fish stocking plans for new ponds and lakes based on our expertise and years of lake management experience specific to Texas waters. We know which size and species combinations will get you to your goals as quickly as possible based on your budget. The fish stocking plans below are based on a 1-acre pond. Just multiply or divide to get the numbers to estimate the right quantities for your pond size, or contact us for a free custom quote. We will be glad to help you develop a stocking plan based on your goals or a particular budget.

We also sell fish individually (a'la carte). You can find our freshwater fish pricing here.

Fish stocking plans and pricing for new ponds

Catfish – Hybrid Bluegill Mix: This is a great fish stocking strategy for small ponds that are less than 1 acre. Catfish and Hybrid Bluegill grow quickly on feed and will not overpopulate. You could also add some Hybrid Stripers to add a little variety to the mix.

        • (400) 6-8 inch Channel Catfish
        • (500) 3.5-4.25 inch Hybrid Bluegill
        • 10 pounds Fathead Minnows
        • Total Price: $1,080.00


Gamefish Combination: Want a little bit of everything? This stocking plan includes bass, crappie, and catfish. It’s another good combination for ponds 1 acre and up. With this stocking plan you’ll please everyone from kids with a Snoopy reel to avid fisherman that love a variety.

        • (200) 6-8 inch Channel Catfish
        • (150) 3-4 inch Black Crappie
        • (80) 6-8 inch Largemouth Bass
        • (700) 2.5-3.5 inch Coppernose Bluegill
        • 15 pounds Fathead Minnows
        • Total Price: $1,542.50


Trophy Bass Mix 1: This mix has everything you need to start growing some lunkers. We use specifically sized baitfish and bass so we can stock your pond with both at the same time. This saves time and will produce bass over 3 pounds by the third season.


        • (100) 1-3 inch Largemouth Bass
        • (200) 1-2.5 inch Redear Sunfish
        • (800) 1-2.5 inch Coppernose Bluegill
        • 10 pounds Fathead Minnows
        • Total Price: $910.00

Trophy Bass Mix 2: Want to start catching bass this season? Choose this plan and you will be setting a hook within a few months. Again everything is included and sized correctly to produce bass over 3 pounds by the second season.


        • (80) 6-8 inch Largemouth Bass
        • (200) 2.5-3.5 inch Redear Sunfish
        • (800) 2.5-3.5 inch Coppernose Bluegill
        • 15 pounds Fathead Minnows
        • Total Price: $1,432.50 

Trophy Bass Mix 3: Want to take the family fishing next weekend? Better check the gear, because the bass in this mix are ready to fight! Grab some of our premium floating fish food and you’ll soon need the wide lens on the camera to capture your next proud moment.


        • 70 pounds Adult Largemouth Bass
        • (200) 3.5-4.25 inch Redear Sunfish
        • (800) 3.5-4.25 inch Coppernose Bluegill
        • 20 pounds Golden Shiners
        • Total Price: $2,970.00 

Fish stocking plans for established ponds

Most of our customers want to stock additional fish to fatten up their bass. In this scenario the point is to establish a population of producing forage fish. To stock fish directly for the bass to eat is a waste of money. First you want to determine if you have a growing population of bluegill in place. Bluegill are the backbone of the food chain, and there is no sense stocking other forage fish if the bluegill are not established. If bluegill are lacking, then you need to stock adults that will spawn quickly and make an immediate impact on the forage population.


If you have successfully concluded that your bluegill are in good shape, then you can move on to selecting another forage fish that will add to the bass’ feeding options. You will not grow trophy bass without some additional forage other than bluegill. Other forage species include gizzard shad, tilapia, golden shiners, and crawfish. Golden shiners are good for clear lakes, but they are not as prolific as shad. Tilapia are quick growers and will provide a large food item for bigger bass late in the year as the water cools and they get sluggish. Crawfish do well where there is a lot of newly submerged grass or weeds.


In every situation concerning an established pond, it is best to take the time to evaluate where the lake is at in regards to both the predator and forage populations. Don’t waste your time or money by just shooting from the hip with supplemental pond stocking. Call us today and we will get your fish population where you want to it to be, effectively and efficiently.


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