Pond Management
Pond King offers on-site management programs for ponds and lakes within a 150-mile service area. If you live outside that area, or you’re a “do-it-yourselfer,” we also sell a variety of products to help you keep your pond or lake healthy. No matter where you are, our fisheries biologists can help you develop a pond management plan and choose the right equipment to get you there.

Fish Habitat
Pond King’s artificial habitat offers the benefits of submerged natural vegetation without the concern of disrupting your ecosystem
Aerators & Fountains
Aeration provides your lake with an insurance policy by delivering a constant and predictable source of oxygen.
Pond Maintenance
Feed your fish, not the turtles! We offer a variety of pond maintenance products to help keep your pond and fish healthy.

Keep Your Pond or Lake Healthy
Aerators will save your fish

Grow bigger fish with fish feeders
Learn why our customers choose Pond King pond management products time and time again
Pond Management Planning Made Easy
Not sure where to get started on your pond management plan? Follow our goal assessment to get started
Pond Management Guide
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